unfortunately, the damage i did with yoga - compounded i'm sure by a ever-growing monkey - has left me in roughly the same, if not worse, shape than i was prior to starting physical therapy. it's very upsetting. also that i will have to stop going soon as my insurance only covers so many visits and i need to save some for after the birth and we've pretty much already wiped our out medical expenses account (as we didn't foresee this!). ah well. i'll have to make do with what i've got.
as for house progress, well, we made some. we got the floor ready, got the rosin paper down, got all the door jams trimmed, the first few rows cut... we were ready for the tool yesterday. we went and rented it, got home and it was not set to the right thickness, and i guess that home depot's tech was out so no one could fix it.
another day down.
in happy news we got our first gifts off the registry. from my boss no less, who will be attending my east-coast shower this weekend. it was very unexpected, especially since the gifts were multiple and more than i would have ever imagined.
only downside? the baby superstore shipped the wrong item. like in a bad way wrong. and of course our local one doesn't carry the line so we trekked all around to different ones (once we realized no progress could be made on the floor of course) to find it. i have a bad track record with picking things that are later discontinued or hard to find, once locked into them (like say, bridesmaid dresses, wedding favors, etc..) so once we had the wrong item, that was no longer available online, that two stores didn't have, alex was on a mission.
i'm happy to report the appropriate mobile is now safely in our living room.
other than that, i feel like i have so much to do before getting on that plane wednesday morning. did i mention i hate to fly? at least it's going to be mid-40s in ct... allegedly.
oh and i added a countdown clock. tried to make ut as unoffensive as possible, man i hate those things.
my new BFF and other things
so i finally got to the doctor who referred me to the PT place and omg. there was no reason for me being in that kind of pain for 2 months. i've been to my therapist 3 times and heidi is so my new BFF. the place itself is amazing, i love it and she's awesome. the adjustments are so minimal but guess what? i can WALK! i can SLEEP (better) and i don't have intense pain every night and throughout the day! it wasn't "normal" which i figured. one side of my pelvis was just locked and not moving while the other side was moving more than it should have. it's amazing how little made such a big difference. it's amazing.
in other news monkey news, latest appointment yesterday measures me at 26 weeks (slightly ahead of schedule) and other than that, all is well! the little one is moving around like mad, although he has a certain love of the right side of my belly and hangs out there all the time. its the funniest thing. even heidi has a hard time working on that side of my body, he won't budge! i'm like, dude, you need to spread out eventually or you're going to run out of room! i hear he's about 2 pounds right now. that's insanity.
i finally got set up in the my prenatal yoga class and guess what? i can't do it anymore! i mean it was hurting me before i got hooked up the PT, but EVERYTHING hurt so i didn't think much of it. i went last night (after a few miracle PT sessions) and i completely undid all the good we had done! i was miserable all night and at my appointment this morning heidi was like "what did you do to yourself!?!?!" who knew!?!? so, no more yoga. ah well.
as far as the house, we finally got the nursery painted. the smallest room in the entire house took the longest to paint AND the most paint. whatever was on the walls sucked as a base. but it's done. the floor? not so much... remember when i predicted the nursery and office would be done by the end of february? no dice there. someone isn't making a lot of progress... he knows that he has to this weekend or things are going to get ugly...
because 102 DAYS and counting. my god.
i leave for CT next wednesday which will be nice to see my friends one last time until who knows when!
in other news monkey news, latest appointment yesterday measures me at 26 weeks (slightly ahead of schedule) and other than that, all is well! the little one is moving around like mad, although he has a certain love of the right side of my belly and hangs out there all the time. its the funniest thing. even heidi has a hard time working on that side of my body, he won't budge! i'm like, dude, you need to spread out eventually or you're going to run out of room! i hear he's about 2 pounds right now. that's insanity.
i finally got set up in the my prenatal yoga class and guess what? i can't do it anymore! i mean it was hurting me before i got hooked up the PT, but EVERYTHING hurt so i didn't think much of it. i went last night (after a few miracle PT sessions) and i completely undid all the good we had done! i was miserable all night and at my appointment this morning heidi was like "what did you do to yourself!?!?!" who knew!?!? so, no more yoga. ah well.
as far as the house, we finally got the nursery painted. the smallest room in the entire house took the longest to paint AND the most paint. whatever was on the walls sucked as a base. but it's done. the floor? not so much... remember when i predicted the nursery and office would be done by the end of february? no dice there. someone isn't making a lot of progress... he knows that he has to this weekend or things are going to get ugly...
because 102 DAYS and counting. my god.
i leave for CT next wednesday which will be nice to see my friends one last time until who knows when!
i'm nothing if not punctual
yes, these pictures are almost 4 weeks old now... it's not my fault. it's set up so alex has to scan. i'm not incompetent, in fact i have to tell him the settings all the time for what i want. i really don't know why it's set up this way. ah well. here they are.. finally. the cutest little face and foot ever!

117 days
yeah, that's what one of the pregnancy sites told me today. 117 days until my due date. people, that's almost in the two-digit range.
my next ob appt is in 2 weeks, after that? the EVERY TWO WEEK appts begin. next week is our hospital tour. i had been toying with the idea of taking a lamaze class, but between our schedule of classes, work trips and the fact you have to end it at least one month before you due date left us UNABLE TO SCHEDULE ONE.
i'm totally freaking out. alex was the wreck at the beginning and now we're flip flopping. we're going to be buying a crib soon. you know, as soon as it's warm enough to GO OUTSIDE. what is with this weather? yeah, yeah, i know. winter in michgian. exactly why i don't want to live here! it IS in the double digits today so i guess i should not complain... much.
no more progess on the nursery since this weekend. we've both been working late. we were going to tackle it tongiht, but my yoga class is back on! yay! so alex will be solo. bets on progress? i say non, but i try to give him the benefot of teh doubt... we'll see when i get home!
my next ob appt is in 2 weeks, after that? the EVERY TWO WEEK appts begin. next week is our hospital tour. i had been toying with the idea of taking a lamaze class, but between our schedule of classes, work trips and the fact you have to end it at least one month before you due date left us UNABLE TO SCHEDULE ONE.
i'm totally freaking out. alex was the wreck at the beginning and now we're flip flopping. we're going to be buying a crib soon. you know, as soon as it's warm enough to GO OUTSIDE. what is with this weather? yeah, yeah, i know. winter in michgian. exactly why i don't want to live here! it IS in the double digits today so i guess i should not complain... much.
no more progess on the nursery since this weekend. we've both been working late. we were going to tackle it tongiht, but my yoga class is back on! yay! so alex will be solo. bets on progress? i say non, but i try to give him the benefot of teh doubt... we'll see when i get home!
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