
any time now

just got back from our 35 week appointment. had the first check of how things are really going, since i've been having mad contractions. at least 50% effaced and 2cm dilated. apparently the contractions i'm having are being very effective and monkey is in perfect position (did you really expect less? ha!)

he said he has a few patients that are already past their due dates that aren't in as good of shape as i am already.

i think we're definitely looking at a may baby... woah!


i laugh in the face of uncomfortable

ha ha ha HA.

remember when i said i was uncomfortable? that was before what i started what i assume are braxton-hicks contractions. and before i realized i have zero clothes to wear for the sudden 80 degree weather. not that i'm complaining about the warm weather. not at all. but hot flashes plus long sleeve shirts, plus 80 degree weather? not fun. also when you have to go to a birthday party where there are about 40 people jammed into a little room without proper ventilation or cooling on said 80 degree day.

ah well. it's all good. it was actually really interesting seeing the "other" side of the family yesterday. (alex's dad's side, we don't get to see them often enough). every person there could not believe i only have SIX WEEKS left because i am "so tiny." i'm not sure who they were looking at, but... whatev. all except his dad. who proclaimed that i was "so big" now. uh, i guess that's better? it was cute when he got there that he came up to me with open arms... to wrap around my belly to say hello to monkey. yeah, no one cares about me anymore :)

the sad part for me was that everyone was asking when my shower was because they wanted to come. well, i have one THIS WEEKEND but it's more for my friends and alex's sisters/mom (yes his mom is coming after all). the two sides always stay kind of separate so i never thought of asking them to come. plus, they all stay in the detroit area and don't venture over to where we are much. but it didn't help me feel any less uncomfortable. we've decided after monkey arrives we'll have a little get together for that side of the family.

anyhow, so said clothes crisis (yes, it had me in tears on saturday morning) led to a trip to the maternity store in the mall (since the only old navy maternity is kind of a haul) where my husband (bless his patience) spent what had to be an hour bringing stuff to me in the dressing room. none of which fit correctly. also, i refuse to spend full-price for ridiculously over-priced clothing that will barely wear. yeah, i know. after all that we left with a pair of capris. they're great, but sheesh. that's it?

in other news, the nursery is still jammed with crap. the guest room still isn't done. (although it's close! i've been promised i can expect it to be done by this weekend). and i am looking forward to my little shower this weekend. should be fun!


33 weeks

today i'm 33 weeks along. when did that happen? seriously? my word.

we had a doctor appointment this morning. with the doctor that criticized my weight last time. i hadn't said anything to my regular doctor (although i kind of wanted to), and i wasn't really looking forward to seeing this doctor again. (especially after the chocolate bunny incident, which we don't really need to go into...ahem.)

at any rate, after chatting and listening to the heartbeat he tells me that everything is perfect, even my weight. he then said that he apologized for being "bad cop" last time i saw him, but that he was pleased to see when i was. huh. go figure.

at any rate, next appointment in 2 weeks when they will check my cervix (!!) and see where things are headed. holy crap that sounds so... final. doesn't it? man.

in other news, alex's mom bought us our travel system yesterday. we put together the stroller last night. that makes things real. looking at them in the store is one thing. actually driving it around our living room and then loading into your trunk (proving to your husband you're not a weakling and really CAN lift it all my yourself, even 8 months pregnant) is something entirely different.

we also have a breast feeding class tonight. we picked a pediatrician. you know, i think this is really going to happen.



i've hit the very uncomfortable phase i think. monkey seems so big, so heavy. i can't tie my shoes, or even put them on that well. sleeping is becoming an issue again. my maternity clothes are starting to be too small... and it's friggin snowing -- HARD -- in mid-april, which not only is depressing but i'm sick again too.

and as ready as i am to be done with pregnancy, we're so not ready to have the baby at home. yes, yes, i know it will all work out... but someone *ahem* seems to have lost his drive on finishing the upstairs. this means that the guest room is empty, with no floor and all the crap (and i mean CRAP, the guest room used to be our we-have-nowhere-to-put-this-so-dump-it-in-there room) that was in the (larger) guest room previously is jammed into the nursery. yes, the nursery. the nursery that i so desperately want to finish. that i want to paint bees on the walls, that i want to make up the crib... that i want to hang little clothes in... that i just generally want READY. and i can't do a thing about it.

he was supposed to work on it this weekend. and even admitted he's feeling very far behind in preparations. problem? a friend of his (who is going through a divorce) is coming up from ohio this weekend. and our week-from-hell (classes! appts! doctors!) starts this weekend too... so basically, another weekend shot.

i'm frustrated. i don't know what to do. i'd work on it myself, but i can't.

oh, and my ob appt this coming monday? they scheduled me with the doctor who criticized me about my weight when i saw him. can't wait! (and yes, that means i'm obsessing. i can't help it...)


but i don't like teal...

You Are Teal Green

You are a one of a kind, original person. There's no one even close to being like you.

Expressive and creative, you have a knack for making the impossible possible.

While you are a bit offbeat, you don't scare people away with your quirks.

Your warm personality nicely counteracts and strange habits you may have.