that's what alex asked me the other day after i returned from the ER with our little guy.
it sure does seem that way. we've called off-hours twice and we've ended up in the ER twice. this time the little guy had been losing his food out of both ends and they wanted me to be sure he wasn't dehydrated. he wasn't. but it's still such a process. poor man. he hasn't been eating well, but can you blame him? as soon as he eats it comes back out. i hate that i can't wave my magic wand and fix him. we just need to wait it out. sigh.
pumpkin carving was fun, i'll post pictures when i have them. always great to hang out with good friends. we were going to do a little photo shoot with wes and pumpkins and leaves but it was, again, a dreary rainy day. the afternoon we spent in the ER was, of course, lovely. at least he's fine, if a little under the weather.
we have found the trick to him sleeping again is to be in bed with us. i would read about people who had their babies in bed with them and always though we'd NEVER do that. ha! the best laid plans... clearly he'll be sleeping with us until he's 15 but the key word there is SLEEPING. oh how i've missed it.
speaking of, someone was tuckered out after the hospital.