
michael moore

we reached the turning point in any relationship. the michael moore mile. do you like him and do you agree with his views? i'm kidding, sort of. we both love and respect mr. moore for his documentaries and often watch an episode of "the awful truth" before bed. but last night, we watched "bowling for columbine"

now, i know i was tired and there was quite a bit of information but i was just on overload after it. he wanted to talk about it and i just couldn't. that happens to me sometimes after i see something that affects me that deeply. it was that way, for example, after i saw "boys don't cry" i couldn't even talk about it after. it was just too much.

now, the thing about BFC, (and really any moore piece), is the focus on michigan. maybe it's more pertient to me now that i'm back here, but woah. and i know that those type of people exist everywhere, and since he's from flint that's what he focuses on.

the part with marilyn manson i think was my favorite.

it scares me to think about people though.

we decided we're retiring to canada.


three months... already.

this saturday marked our 3 month anniversary. and it seems like we've been together so much longer than that! when i say 3 months is sounds so piddly!

it was nice. alex brought my a dozen roses and a really cute card. we went out ot dinner the same place we had out first date. went to the movies after, like on our first date. things just ended a little differently then they did that first time. :)

we talked about our first meeting a lot, it was interesting to hear the perspective he had on it and i'm sure it was interesting for him to hear mine. then he so kindly pointed out to me that we slept together on our 4th date. nice. nothing like making a girl feel like a whore.

it sounds much worse that it actually was! there was a lot of time involved... really.

here's to the next 3 months!


other stuff.

the thing about this weekend that was really great though is that we talked A LOT about marriage and kids and views and such. started out generic, but got personal quickly and remained that way all weekend. specifics about how many kids we want, what we'd do different than our parents, view on big things like abortion and public schools, politics, etc etc... we even had this ongoing joke about who would drive the mini van. which, btw, we both insist we will never get. although we saw this hot pink one around stratford and i was like "ok, i'll get a mini van if it looks like that!" and he's all like "hell NO! i'll have to drive it!" you know, stuff like that. even down to last night when we were talking about houses at one point and he said that his next house he'll want to have built. and i asked him where (as we were driving to his house) and he's like, "in this neighborhood probably. i really like it. you like it here, don't you? "

i have to say, if we don't get married, i'd be really surprised.

and then it was dark.

so we left thursday and i was a gorgeous day and a nice drive. about 3 hours or so. we did get delayed quite a bit at the border just cuz it was packed. but i offically was let into the country without any hassle, which was nice! i'm not going to lie, i WAS nervous about it.

we got into town and saw where the hotel was. alex was disapointed as it wasn't as nice as he thought it was going to be. it was fine with me and it was actually a good thing it was what it was...but i'll get to that later. so we went downtown. stratford is a cute little town along the river. we drove around and he showed me all the theaters and stuff like that. we got out and walked around and ate ice cream cones. it was really sweet. VERY hot though.

we decide we're kinda hungry and it's closing in on dinner time so we go back to the hotel to check in. we get into the room and he turns on the air and we decided to relax for a bit before getting ready for dinner. there was the nice place he wanted to take me. so the air is on for about 5 mintes and it shuts off. we're like, hmmm... interesting. we decide he should go tell the office that nothing seems to be working. so he leaves, come back and tells me that the whole are is out of power. ok. no big deal. at this point we had no idea what was up. so we decide to go into town and find out how big the outage really is. of course, all the restaurants are closing and there's no where to eat. so we walk around a bit figuring it will be ok in a little while. the only place to get food were at these little hot dog stands so finally we get some hot dogs. alex is kind of discouraged at this point, as nothing is going as planned. but it's fine, really. i'm not upset at all.

we hear that they were going to announce at 7 what was going to happen for the shows that evening. so we walk all the way to the big theater and find out they're cancelling the shows. ok, not a surprise. so we walk back into town which was so odd without power! places are selling beers out of coolers so we have some beers and walk around. and decided to go back to the hotel. on the way we see a convenince store that's open (even without power) and decide we should get some food and drinks before going back. it was so creepy bein in there in the dark! then alex remembers he has a flashlight in the car. so we're shopping by flashlight!! we were so the envy of everyone in there!!!! it was quite an adventure!

at any rate, we had no power. we entertained ourselves for awhile at the hotel while listening to the radio -- alex's cell phone has a radio in it -- so we could find out what was going on.

the power came back on about 10:30. it was very exciting! we went back into town. a few restaurants were opening back up with limited stuff so we were able to have dinner. then we walked down along the river and sat by the water and made out for awhile. it was very sweet.

eventually we went back to the hotel and went to sleep. the power went back out again overnight.

came back on around 11am or so. we were able to go get breakfast. entertaining ourselves all day was interesting... lots of places were closed. we walked through the shakespearean gardens. went to shops that were open. read and napped by the river. it was very nice, really. since they had power most of the day we figured we'd be good for our show that night. but nope. couldn't get all the power, generators and ac up enough in the big theater to have a production. so we didn't get to see any of our shows! alex was pretty bothered by it. the whole "i had this nice romantic weekend planned for us and everything went wrong" but at the same time we did really have a nice time together. we ended up leaving after we found out the show was cancelled and came back to town to find out what was up here.

good news? we'll have to go back!



so i've been suffering from bouts of vertigo for the last week. i tell you that is some scary shit. especially yesterday morning. got up fine. got into the shower. started waching my hair and bam! the whole room is spinning. fast. i lean against the wall in the shower and wait. closing my eyes makes it worse so i try to focus on one point. i almost called alex to come and help me out, i was that afraid i was going to fall over. i managed to stand under the water to rinse my air and stumbled out of the shower grabbing the wall on the way. managed to grab my towel as i stumbled to the bed, managing to sit down. of course alex is totally freaked about it and sat there rubbing my back until it subsided.

scared me enough that i went to the doctor this morning. but were they helpful? course not. here, take some pills and if you're not better in a week come back. great. waste of a copay.

so i've felt pretty lousy all day between slight dizziness and pseudo migraines. i'm supposed to be leaving shortly to go to a concert in detroit with kim, keith and kelly. should be a good time, if i can make it. i can totally see getting totally dizzy. we'll see.

my big fear? not feeling well tomorrow and friday in stratford. i'm really afraid of that. keep your fingers crossed, i don't want to ruin our vacation!


meeting mom.... and spiders

yeah, totally stressed myself out about meeting alex's mom. for no reason. but boy did he get a kick out of seeing me so nervous! as we were walking to the door she goes out on the stoop and is watching us as we walked up... holding hands i might add (which i thought was big on his part). first thing she did? hug me. guess i'm in.

so we're driving to dinner and i'm sitting in the front seat with his mom and looking at her because we're talking. i turn to face forward and what is dangling right in fron tof my face but a SPIDER THE SIZE OF MY HEAD! apparently alex, who was sitting behind me, saw it before i did and knowing my INCREDIBLE FEAR of spiders had been trying to figure out what to do before i noticed it. of course total panic ensued. now he's trying to reach over me to get it without knocking it on me! then it crawled up to where we couldn't get it and for the rest of the ride. i was as close to being in the backseat as i could be without actually being in the back seat totally transfixed on the spot where the spider disappeared.

needless to say i did NOT sit in the front going home. good thing too, cuz it came back out.

just talking about it now freaks me out!!


ahh... all is right with the world again

so as i tell my boyfriend what my mother said about the tickets as i'm frantically changing in the 5 minutes i have before we have to leave to have dinner with his sister, he starts beaming. "good. i want you here for thanksgiving." or something like that. it was so sweet. he must have told me a million times over the course of the night how happy he is about me being with him for thanksgiving.

so can i say that meeting his sister and his 2 neices last night went totally fine. she's great. the girls are beautiful. and seeing how he was with his neices... man. it jsut totally made me want to have his children. i've never felt like i diid seeing him with them. it was... just... wonderful.


i guess mom isn't half bad after all.

as she was asking me if i was coming home for thanksgiving or christmas i asked her "wait, is that a choice?" to which she replied "no - not a choice - but with Alex you may have different thoughts on the holidays."

go mom!

at which point i told her what we had discussed and that fact that it was too early to decide and she was all like "yeah, i figured as much" and didn't seem affected at all.

i never even HINTED that we may split the holidays. not at all. i honestly thought she'd freak.

she's not half bad, i don't care what they say.

of course, nothing has been decided still, but that was a step in the right direction for sure.

yep, i was right.

mom will get the tickets. i know it freaked him out even asking, but i felt like i should. even thought i KNEW the answer, why am i sad about it? damn hormones...

ah, the holidays

in the spirit of bringing things up that 2 seconds later completely freaks himself out... a few nights ago alex brought up spending the holidays together. that is, me staying here for thanksgiving and me bringing him home for christmas. but then, as we are discussing the topic that HE brought up, he starts to freak, so i'm like, hey... this is far away, we'll re-evaluate later. end of discussion. fine.

so then my mom calls today. northwest is having a sale for like a day and she wants to get my holiday tickets now. nice. now, obviously it's imposible to judge where we'll be in 4 months after we've only been together 2. so i send alex a message saying, hey my mom want sto by my tickets... want to talk about it? he says he's at lunch with his parents and will call me right after. so i'll wait.

i'm sure the outcome will be, buy the tickets. after all... what else can it possibly be?


ms. crankypants

pms? side effects from the pill? who knows, but boy am i super cranky today! i'm so annoyed that i can't even write about how annoyed i am because it's annoying me more.


ew! ew! EW!

my boss's wife has a odd fixation with my boyfriend. it jsut keeps getting weirder and weirder and i have no idea what to do about it.


it's friday

and what do i want to do tonight? well there a re a million things i'd like to do. there is so much jazz playing around town, so many cool places jsut to be. like "goodnight gracie's" the martini and jazz bar. how cool is that? i'd love to go. but i have no right to suggest anything whne i'm not paying. it will always come back to that. and it's not like i feel like we HAVE to go out or anything. truthfully i'm on with hanging at home with him, but i also think going out would be nice.

eh. we'll see.