
ah, the holidays

in the spirit of bringing things up that 2 seconds later completely freaks himself out... a few nights ago alex brought up spending the holidays together. that is, me staying here for thanksgiving and me bringing him home for christmas. but then, as we are discussing the topic that HE brought up, he starts to freak, so i'm like, hey... this is far away, we'll re-evaluate later. end of discussion. fine.

so then my mom calls today. northwest is having a sale for like a day and she wants to get my holiday tickets now. nice. now, obviously it's imposible to judge where we'll be in 4 months after we've only been together 2. so i send alex a message saying, hey my mom want sto by my tickets... want to talk about it? he says he's at lunch with his parents and will call me right after. so i'll wait.

i'm sure the outcome will be, buy the tickets. after all... what else can it possibly be?

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