
pumpkin face

ok, totally unexpected thing happened today.

since alex's schedule has ben so screwy, we don't see each other much. he's asleep when i leave, i'm asleep when he gets home, etc etc. i try to get up when he gets home but if i do it throws me all off so it's hard. so he's been trying to get up early enough to go to the gym and have lunch with me before he has to make the hellish drive to the office where he's training staff.

so today i call tomake sure he's up at 10:30 as usual and to my surprise he's dressed and getting ready to leave. he sas he's coming ot have lunch a little early today. ok... weird. so he calls me when he's outside to come out (he usually jsut walks in and meets me at my desk). ok... then calls right back to say to bring out a garbage bag. huh? a what?

so o grab one and go outside and he susrprised me with 2 big pumpkins and everything we need for carving.

i was a little upset we dind't have time to do them together, and figured we weren't gonna. he was SO proud of himslef that he did this and brought everything we needed so we sat at the picnic table in the yard and carved our pumpkins. he took pictes with us and pumpkins making the same faces we put on the pumpkins. when i have them from him, i'll post.

very fun, very sweet.

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