i just have to post this photo because i think it's cute. yes, i think i'm cute.
The thing about it is, when I first saw this picture, I did think it was cute but then I immediately thought "well, i look a lot thinner than i am because of the way i'm standing." odd huh? the point is, my head hasn't caught up with my body. at all. i truly have no perception of myself. i can look at those pants and think "daaaaamn they're huge!" and i REMEMBER wearing them, and them being snug. i remember the trip to new orleans when i wore those same jeans in my big before shot.
so what's the deal? the best way i can think to explain it is that since it has happened so fast, and that i keep buying smaller clothes my clothes always fit the same. yes, they are smaller sizes, but it's all relative.
and i don't know what's happening but i'm really annoyed with some of my friends lately. one in particular. and then it gets me thinking, why are we still friends? true, we've been friends since high school, but so what? we clearly are SUCH different people now. and we're so far apart... what am i holding on to? you know?
i don't have all that much else to say, i'm getting really excited for the wedding. really. less than 4 months now. v v exciting.
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