
a turn of events

we met with the new neurologist yesterday. things are looking up.

i loved him. he was great, bow tie and all. very old-fashioned. it was great.

and you know why i loved him? he's thorough. he said everything we were thinking. he did not discount the possible relationship between surgery and my symptoms. he brought up things that no one else has yet. yes, it means more tests, but i feel like he's actually interested in figuring this out, instead of pushing drugs on me, which, incidentally, could make me worse right now.

he's bringing my case to a board to discuss. as i'm complex. he could not verufy the diagnosis yet. and even if he does, at least i'll feel better about it and where i'll head from there.

that's all i wanted. a doctor who actually seems like he cares. is that too much to ask these days?

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