have i also ever mentioned that i must have things in odd numbers? we can buy one, three, or five of something, etc. like candles, or candleholder have to have places for an odd number of candles.
escecially three. i love things in threes. like i said, crazy.
oh and tiny things. love them. no idea why. if i ever have a child i'm going to be out of control buying so many little tiny things. i love them. alex has a hard time getting me away from them. imagine when i have an excuse?
so, a few weeks ago we were downtown and we went into one of my favorite stores on main street and bought a few things. things i HAD to have. you know how it is.
one of these things was a 3-legged good luck pig.
need i explain how much i HAD TO OWN this little piggie pig pig pig? no, i didn't think so.
1 comment:
Love the piggie. Actually I'm a huge pig fan myself. Started because K (my brown baby doggie) looked like a piggish thing as a pup. Now it's cuz when (*if*) we have a baby I'm so totally decorating the nursury in flying pigs. Cuz. Well. It would be just as much of a miracle.
OMG. Can't wait to tell you all about the trip. I'm gonna post on it in the am, I think, if I have time. But in person too. Because there is just so damn much to tell. Seriously. And not kidding either. There is one part that literally made my jaw drop. To. The. Floor.
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