

we were eating dinner last night and our kitchen table is currently in a very inconvenient spot in the kitchen due to the tiling that still needs to be done on one end that's all cleared out. anyway, so my chair is placed in kind an odd spot and i was siting kinda sideways on it. so anyway. i needed to sneeze, so i turned even more to the side as not to sneeze in my dinner and somehow the angle i was sitting at coupled with the force of the sneeze.... i fell right out of my chair onto the floor.

sorry, no picture for this one.

**updated to add that i was able to throw my pita back onto my plate before i fell but alex also told me i managed to throw rice on him on the way down. ha!**

1 comment:

Irish Girl said...

Oh good!!!! A post on your blog!!!! Just like Christmas morning :)

For whatever reason both this one and your last entry just appeared this morning. *shrug*

Alex really needs to get that floor repaired, doesn't he? I mean. Before someone gets hurt. Badly.

Cute story. Wish there were pictures. Surely I can imagine it though, having done things like this myself many a time.