i started work again this monday. and, trust me, i know how lucky we are to both be working at home. originally, we had planned to keep wes home with us until he got mobile. but then we started thinking... if i couldn't manage to check my email sporadically with him home all day, how was i going to work?
so we started looking into daycares. first of all, i hate the thought of starting him this soon. i do. and no centers do part time we found out. at least not the kind of part time we wanted (mornings or afternoons as opposed to only 2 full days a week). then my SIL told me about this service here in MI where you can fill out a form with the type of daycares and locations you are looking for and then send you back a list of all the licensed ones that match your criteria.
lo and behold a few days later my email had this nice list of in-home licensed daycares RIGHT HERE IN OUR SUB! perfection!
having no other way to narrow, we started narrowing simply by daycare names. we're not particularly religious, so ones like "heavenly hands of god" got weeded out pretty quickly. (i have nothing against it, it's just not our thing).
we settled on one and called. ok, alex called. i have a huge phone phobia. it's bizarre and strange. just let it go. so we set up an appointment and went.
it was perfect. she's about our age. has two boys (3 and 5) and only watched one other girl (9 mos). plus her older son is starting school in the fall. and, of course, she fell i love with wes immediately, obviously.
oh, and the best part? we could do any schedule we wanted. so we opted for the 4-hour a day, part time option and he goes from 8:30-12:30 every day.
and can i tell you it's been better than imagined? she's so great and loves him and keeps him stimulated and busy all morning so that when we pick him up, i feed him and then he naps FOR THE REST OF THE AFTERNOON. and this doesn't even mess up his night tie sleeping. in fact, he's pretty much on a schedule now. who knew!
of course now i've cursed it.
so, basically, the transition seems to be working.
and now i even have a little helper!

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