it's so strange, that i don't hear from her for years and how she visits every other day. or so it feels like.
it would be ok i guess, if she was helpful? or helped us with, er, anything. all that happens is she is here, eats all our food, expects us to pay if we eat out. and hold wes as long as he doesn't cry basically. not all that helpful, i have to say.
she will only buy him things on her terms. we need a sippy cup and formula? well she'll buy him a santa hat. (or won't, i guess, i don't know where that went to... but she had every intention on it.)
ah well. it's over for now. for a few weeks... at least next time my dad is coming too.
as for the little man, he's got a cold. poor little thing. can't breathe through his nose so he's having a hard time sleeping. called his doctor yesterday morning to find out what i could give him to help him. turns out only saline nose spray. so anyone tried to give that to a 6 mo old? holy mother of god was that torture. my mom was gone, alex was out for boys night and i had a SCREAMING screaming screaming baby on my hands. i have never ever heard this child scream as loud or as long as he did after the nose spray. i almost called the doctor. but i was afraid they'd send us to the ER so i opted to call alex instead. as he one of the guys he was out with is a father to a 3yo and 6 week old. i was yelling into the phone trying to have him hear me over wes to "just ask him! ask if he ever used nose drops, ASK!"
he called back to say, yes. and his son hated them but they were necessary. put them in and tip him back so they go in. so against my better judgment i put in more drops and tipped his little head back. either the tipping worked or he finally gave up because he passed out for a little while.
and so did i because that cold? we now share it.
anyway, i promised another picture from halloween. remember that holiday? seems like a long time ago. oh well, i'll post em anyhow. he's still cute.

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