
i use too many paper towels

i really need to cut down. honestly. but reusable things like washcloths int eh kitchen skeeve me out. i also love me some clorox wipes.

in other news, my mother calls alex this morning barely after 8 as we had JUST gotten our lazy selves downstairs. why you may ask? to ask him what size maternity clothes i wear since one of her clients (she's like a freelance accountant) probably can only pay her in maternity clothes.

is that not the weirdest thing you've ever heard, like ever?

also, am i crazy for considering cloth diapering? in addition to making my own baby food?


Anonymous said...

Is this post about being overly consumptuous? (is that a word?) Because if it is I'm hiding my face with shame. Guilty as charged here.

I do not think you're crazy for considering homemade baby food, have known people who've done it, and I think it's sweet. Also nutritious. And the cloth diapers ... well, I dunno about that one. I love the idea of it but practically speaking it might be tough especially as the wee one grows. If you do it I'd think you'd need a service, right?

There you go. A non-mom opinion :)

Not sure I really even want to touch the maternity clothes thing with your mom. That's just weird. And hurtful, I'm sure.

I can offer a sincere "WTF" because nothing else comes to mind.

Anonymous said...

Oooh your mom is so passive aggressive - I second the WTF. So sorry that you're forced to be the adult in that relationship.
I think cloth diapers and homemade baby food are wonderful ideas. As a working mom though, the practicality for me just wasn't there...I quickly realized that the more I can streamline those sorts of things, the more quality time I get to spend with the boy. But if you can manage it it would be wonderful - especially the food.