the stairs project has begun. we had decided to redo the upstairs in bamboo as well. the carpets are just nasty up there and something needed to be done. before monkey arrives. preferably way before as we still need to paint, set up the office and the nursery and the guest room. i figure our room is pretty much going to stay status quo for awhile now. and that's ok. but hello? we'll need a baby room at the very least.
according to some calendar email thing i get, if he's on time we have 150 days left. less than 22 weeks. which translates to 22 weekend of course. he's gone this weekend and we'll (apparently) be gone the weekend after my birthday on some sort of trip... so make that 20 weeks. TWENTY WEEKS. that's assuming he's on time and not early. i know that each baby is different and blah blah, but i was almsot 3 months early. i'm JUST SAYING we're on a schedule here!
so... anyhow. because the floor is going to be wood, it means the stairs need to be wood to. ok, fine. and the stairs need to be done first so everything meets up correctly.
so the rug is torn up. and then we hit the wall. basically, we can't redo the stairs. long story short, they weren't made to be taken apart. and we've done enough (and bought the wood) that there's no turning back now. so a carpentry guy is coming out tuesday. i plan on asking him how much extra it could be to just do all the flooring, you know, while he's here.
i know alex feels terrible about the situation. and i also know he doesn't want to spend the money. i'd rather not too, but i feel like we're stuck. and it needs to be done. i honestly have NO IDEA what to expect cost-wise from this guy. i pray it's "reasonable" and t just gets done. it needs to just get done.
in other news, i have a new pain that's started this week. it didn't seem like it a was a "big deal" and i kinda thought it was a "growing pain" that would go away. well it progressively got worse and started effecting my sleep. until last night i didn't sleep and couldn't even really change positions because every time i moved my legs it hurt. A LOT. finally broke down and called the OB this morning.
oh, it's "early for me" to be going through this, but it's also "completely normal" and there's nothing i can do about it and it will likely continue until the end. FABULOUS. i'm glad nothing is wrong but i wasn't to thrilled with the rest of the news.
this all just makes me thing that monkey is going to be ahead of schedule.
so, please let tings go smoothly tuesday!
oh, and here's a picture i'll be sending my mother. she sent me this top. this was one of the mystery tops that arrived with my brother. she was kind enough to leave the tag on it so i knew it was a $95 top. thanks. also, notice the lovely pink counters in our kitchen? i know you're jealous. also i hate the cabinents. man why did we take this picture in the kitchen? cripes.

1 comment: kitchen has a pink floor, so don't feel bad about the counters. Let them shine in all their pinkness. You've got enough to worry about.
That top? Very pretty - I love it.
The floors? Money be damned, get them done before that baby comes. Because after that, it'll be a year before you are up for anything involving renovations.
Hope your pains are easing and you're feeling good.
And that your mother is behaving.
Thinking of you.
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