well a meme hardly counts.
When you walk in your front door, which room do you enter?Foyer/Hallway/Living/Dining Room
Do you have a dishwasher?Yes, and thank goodness. I can dirty up some dished fast.
Is your living room carpeted or does it have hardwood floors?It's all bamboo everywhere in the house except for where it's ceramic tile. But the living room is definitely bamboo with this giant rug that's really, really cool on it.
Do you keep your kitchen knives on the counter or in a drawer?In a drawer, it's very dangerous.
House, apartment, duplex or trailer?House.
How many bedrooms is it?Four. One is ours, one is our office (we both work at home), one is Wes' and one is the guest room. As soon as we're on our way to #2, Wes will take over the guest room and the smaller room will remain the nursery.
Gas stove or electric?Gas.
Do you have a yard?Yes and we are HORRIBLE at taking care of it. It's really quite sad.
What size TV is in the living room?uh, i dunno. it's flat and voer the fireplace and already got replaced by a bigger flat one (the smaller one is now in the office).
Are your plates in the same cupboard as your cups?Yep.
Is there a coffee maker sitting on your kitchen counter?I have one of those k-cup machines. it's awesome.
What room is your computer in?Office, the second biggest bedroom.
Are there pictures hanging in your living room?yes a few and there are a pile waiting for me to cut mattes for and frame. i need to get on that.
Are there any themes found in your home?there's a prevailing japanese type theme around our house. we like japanese art and one of alex's friend's wife is japanese (both his first and current!) and he nows lives in japan and is a painter so that accounts for a lot of the artwork too.
What kind of laundry detergent do you use?oh something that the diaper place recommended we use for his diapers (we get it at trader joe's.
Do you use dryer sheets?only on our clothes. not wes' and not on his diapers.
Curtains in your home?mostly. some bamboo blinds and some horrible ones in our bedroom (leftover from the previous owner EVEN THOUGH WE BOUGHT NEW ONES they are just sitting in our room).
What color is your fridge?stainless steel which i loathe. (ALWAYS dirty)
Is your house clean?everything except the office. as a present to me when wes was born alex hired a cleaning lady (who is awesome) and we've kept her since. LOVE LOVE LOVE it. nothing fancy but all the stuff i suck at. she does everything but the office so that's why it's messy.
What room is the most neglected?cleanliness the office, decoration, our room.
Are the dishes in your sink/dishwasher clean or dirty?if it's in the sink it's dirty. if it's out to the right of the wink it's clean bottles for wes, if it's to the left of the sink it's dirty dishes.
How long have you lived in your home?5 years for me, 5.5 for alex. (he bought it before we met)
Where did you live before?
in the "summer home" long story.
Do you have one of those fluffy toilet lid covers on your toilet?hells no.
Do you have a scale anywhere in your house?one ofr us in the bathroom, one for foodstuffs in the kitchen.
How many mirrors are in your house?let's see, one in our bedroom, one in each bathroom (3), one in the dining room, i think that's it. oh i think there's one in the basement (storage)
Look up. What do you see?straight up? the (white) ceiling in the office. if i look at eye level than my monitor and white board/cork board behind it, window next to that.
Do you have a garage?Yes, but it's full of crap not cars.