
any time now

just got back from our 35 week appointment. had the first check of how things are really going, since i've been having mad contractions. at least 50% effaced and 2cm dilated. apparently the contractions i'm having are being very effective and monkey is in perfect position (did you really expect less? ha!)

he said he has a few patients that are already past their due dates that aren't in as good of shape as i am already.

i think we're definitely looking at a may baby... woah!


Irish Girl said...


I have no idea (really) what this stuff means in terms of when you'll be giving birth ... but my intuition tells me SOON!

(altho, could you please schedule that when i'm here, in the state of michigan? thanks!)

So happy for you!

(is the closet done?)

Kisha said...

Wow! That's news! At least you're now at a pretty good point for him to arrive, even if holding off would still be a bit better. This whole thing of waking up every day thinking "hey, this could possibly be the day" is pretty wild, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Wow! You'll be a mommy any day now. Very happy for you and hoping all goes smoothly!