
the good, the bad, and the... same

38 week check up today. and i'm STILL THE SAME. this kid so doesn't want to come out. nevermind i have contractions constantly and regularly and now work with a heating pad strapped to my back. oh yeah, i'm that cool.

nevermind the fact that every week i go they always tell me, "next week we can help you." as in, when i was admitted at 36 weeks, they'd break my water... if i was 37 weeks. then when i was admitted at 37 weeks, they'd induce me... if i was 38 weeks. then i kid you not alex and i burst out laughing when they told me today that 39 weeks was when they could think about intervening.

although my appointment today was with my all time favorite doctor, who was on call the second time i was admitted. who came in even though he didn't have to to see me. he kind of walked in the exam room sheepishly and was like "hey guys... how ya doin?" it was cute. then while we listened to the heart he asked if we were renaming the kid to "stubborn." i do love him. i hope he delivers this kid. you know, if it ever happens.

i was a little concerned about having lost about 5 lbs over the last week and a half. but he said it wasn't cause for concern. so that's good, i guess.

the best news though? MY MOTHER IS LEAVING TONIGHT. in a few hours no less. after my appointment last week she bought a ticket for today (since i had another appointment) if there was "no change." she wasn't all too pleased when i told her we were going to the appointment alone. yes, that's right, she insisted on coming last week. that was fun. really the biggest reason is that i wanted to take whatever the docotor did say and play it up in my favor to her.

for example, he said they wouldn't induce me (without anything happened on my end) until 41 weeks. i definitely played that up with her. saying basically that he thought i was going to need it. she was supposed to come back on saturday but i suggested she wait until WE CALL HER like i told her in the first place. and we'll of course call her just a little bit too late, if you know what i'm saying.

we are so delighted to be alone again tonight. and that we're going to do everything we can to encourage this baby to come SOON. before she has a chance to get back here. she has been... trying. and we really do want to do this on our own.


Irish Girl said...

On the off-chance I checked tonight ... to see if maybe, possibly, you wrote "off to the hospital!" ...

I sit here, hoping for you!

Anonymous said...

Okay, sending all the labor vibes I can muster your way!! And like Irish, I keep hoping to read an "off to the hospital" post! Hang in there darlin!

Anonymous said...

I am continuing to keep my fingers crossed for you that it will be soon. I'm looking forward to hearing about Monkey's arrival (though not as much as you are looking forward to living it, I'm sure!)