he'll often say, jokingly, that he "paid for more than he actually got." and has even made the false advertising type comments. clearly they are in jest. and we laugh, but reading all these posts i understnad what people are saying but most of all it's sad to me. and what's sad about it? that people actually have these discussions/deals/ultimatums/whatever with their spouses! sure, alex would be sad if i cut my hair (we've had this discussion). but you know what? he'd get over it. he wants me to do what makes me happy. what makes me feel good. and yes, i get all the points about it being self-esteem related. and i can't relate to the after-childbirth ones since i've not been there yet, but jeez. seems... sad.
so i give you our example. both of us. here's our engagement photo from 4/03 and a photo from our wedding 9/05. looks like neither of us actually got what we signed up for. or, are we now going to be held to the ideal from the wedding now forever more?
Girl, you were a beautiful bride!
I am still in awe of your incredible weight loss accomplishment. Much to be proud of.
Hmmm. I haven't read anything about this topic that you bring up. Are you saying these couples have agreements stating what can or can't change about their appearance???? Or did I miss the idea completely?
I have heard of celebrities/others who actually include weight limits or other shallow/petty/stupid junk in prenups. You know ... wife can not ever weigh more than wedding day weight, etc. True love, I'm sure.
Sad but true. You and I are probably in the minority as we have husbands who love us regardless and vice versa.
I'm curious where you've been reading. It is an interesting topic. That is, unless I completely misinterpreted... I am a wee bit sleep deprived :-)
BTW - yoga is going really well. Had my second class last night. I'll have to check into the yoga in the park you mentioned. That sounds fun! I can NOT wait to get outside if only spring would hurry up already. Do you ever go over to the arboretum (spelling???) It is one of my favorite things in the whole world, I think!
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