Taken a picture naked? of myself? no. no. no. no one needs that.
Made out with a member of the same sex? Oh yes indeed.
Told a lie? Yeah.
Gotten in a car with people you just met? I don't think so. I did almost take a motorcycle ride with these guys a friend and i had just met at the beach. That would have been REALLY stupid.
Been in a fist fight? Yes.
Had feelings for someone who didn?t have them back? Who hasn't?
Been arrested? Yes.
Left your house without telling your parents? Who knows, they didn't really pay much attention, so probably.
Ditched school to do something more fun? Yep, both high school and college
Slept in a bed with a member of the same sex? Yes
Seen someone die? Yes
Kissed a picture? Yes. i think so.
Slept in until 3? I must have at some point.
Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by? Not recently enough
Played dress up? Yes.
Fallen asleep at work/school? Yes. (Missed way to much art history to say I have a minor in it).
Felt an earthquake? No.
Touched a snake? Certainly not on purpose.
Ran a red light? Like 2 days ago.
Had detention? Yes.
Been in a car accident? Yes, 3 or 4
Pole danced? Ha!!!! Again, no one needs that!
Been lost? Oh, so many times. Figuratively and literally.
Sang karaoke? no no no.
Done something you told yourself you wouldn?t? more times than I can recount
Laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? Yes
Caught a snowflake on your tongue? Yes
Kissed in the rain? Maybe? I don't remember a specific moment or anything though. Should do that.
Sang in the shower? Yes, but the car is definitely more my thing. I'm a rockstar. Sinigng duets with Matt were my favorite car experiences.
Got your tongue stuck to a pole? No.
Ever gone to school partially naked? What does this mean? I'll go with no.
Sat on a roof top? i think so.
Played chicken? No.
Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? No. (This was not an invitation, I don't need any of you getting any ideas.)
Been told you?re hot by a complete stranger? Only at gas stations by questionable men. Oh, and that one guy in traffic on 94. That was funny, although I don't think he said "hot" per se.
Broken a bone? Nope
Mooned/flashed someone? nope
Forgotten someone?s name? All the time.
Slept naked? Yep.
Blacked out from drinking? Never. never even gotten sick.
Played a prank on someone? Yes.
Felt like killing someone? Oh yes
Made a parent cry? Certainly
Cried over someone? Way too often.
Had sex more than 10 times in a weekend? sadly, no.
Had/Have a dog? A few times but only briefly.
Been in a band? No, sadly.
Drank 25 sodas in a day? eek. no. that's a lot of soda!
Shot a gun? No, other than arcade type things. they scare me.
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