so, i haven't been sleeping well. part of it i'm not sure why, part is my hip pain, part is my pelvis pain, part is that i sweat all night now (that's pleasant) and part i'm sure, is just plain ol' stress.
friday night i went to sleep around 11:30pm. i woke up on the hour starting at midnight until i gave up at 3am. what's on at 3am? mattress and sleep aid infomercials, of course. figures.
saturday was a busy day. we got up early to head to another baby superstore to see if they had some things that our local one did not. and did they EVER. my word. and a lot of it was on sale! we actually -- are you sitting -- found a chair that was comfortable and affordable AND the right color. now, the chair has been an issue, to say the least. my MIL decided she wanted to buy it for us. so we called her to let her know we had found it and that it was on sale and should we just buy it and we'd work it out later? she was on her way to our side of town (this is somewhat on the way) as we were all getting together anyway so she said they'd come to the store.
while waiting, we got to see the bedding we registered for in person (LOVE IT!) and saw some other things that i wanted to change on the registry so we got on the list for a scanner (i guess a lot of people were registering that day).
well, we got the scanner and the in-laws arrived at the same time. we were also supposed to meet other family members in 40 minutes so he went off with his parents and went to scanning, quickly.
oh did i mention i was also having one of my i-don't-know-what-the-heck-they-are-but-for-lack-of-a-better-theory-i'll-call-them-panic attacks before they got there? oh yes, that was fun too.
so we finished up and got in our respective cars and headed off to the restaurant for my birthday lunch. alex tells me in the car that his mother also bought us the ottoman, much to our insistence that it was entirely too much, and if we wanted it, we'd buy it. she's very sweet.
we got the restaurant and met his brother and wife and my SIL that i mention a lot. it was a nice lunch. we all talked about his other brother, the one with MS. he currently lives in KY and had decided it's time to move up here where there are people that can help him. we all have a part in making this happen. it's kind of fun being in a big family, i like it! :)
after all of that we did our sunday grocery shopping since by this point we had made no progress on the stairs, to prep them for the guy starting today.
saturday night sleeping for me was way worse. i didn't sleep at all and was now also sick. i had a raging sore throat and cough. i was supposed to meet with my other SIL for some work on my pelvis (what she does) but since i was so tired and sick i called to cancel. we started working on the stairs and i was so frustrated and tired i totally had a little meltdown. alex put me in front of a bowl of soup (it was 2pm and i hadn't eaten anything) and made me lay down. i ended up taking a nap. i felt much better after i slept for a few hours and even better when i realized my awesome husband had done most of the work that needed to get done for today.
fast forward to today. i feel a little better (getting 3.5 hours of consecutive sleep rocks!) and then the stair guy called...
his van got broken into last night. OF COURSE IT DID. he has to deal with that and asked to start on thursday. except we'll be out of town, so we have to postpone it until next week...RAR!
can i catch a break sometime?
and, also, i emailed my mother. haven't heard, and don't expect to, but i did it.