
purple monster

i hate to paint. i hate it more than anything. and i'm not talking about painting on canvas, or anything remotely artistic. that i love. i'm talking about painting walls. i loathe it. in fact there's really not a strong enough word for now i feel about painting. and i really have no idea why. i have zero patience for it. so why, you might think, do i insist on painting where i live? well, because it's always worth it. ever since 99 when i tried to paint out first apt, i've avoided it like the plague. always found some way around it. not this time though.

so kim says she'll help me, because she's a freak and likes to paint apparently. so we start on my living/dining room last night which is at least 2/3 of my entire condo. and we start. it takes an entire gallon to do about 2/3 of a first coat of the area that needs to be purple. what's that? first coat? oh yeah. yup, it'll need TWO coats she says. horror of horrors.

my job is the "easy" one she says. do the edges, or "cut in" in painting lingo i guess. i suck at it. i'm all over the place. and hating it more and more with every second. at least my rationale is, if i suck, it's ok because it's my house and i have to live with it.

so then we're out of paint. or at least the 1st gallon. she says not to start the 2nd gallon until tomorrow. since i have to get probably 2 more. and that's only 1 of 5 colors.

it will never end.

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